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Project StructureAPPSPLUS.DPRprogram AppSPlus; uses Forms, AppSForm in 'AppSForm.pas' {ServerForm}, AppSPlus_TLB in 'AppSPlus_TLB.pas', AppSRDM in 'AppSRDM.pas' {AppServerPlus: TRemoteDataModule} {AppServerPlus: CoClass}; {$R *.TLB} {$R *.RES} begin Application.Initialize; Application.CreateForm(TServerForm, ServerForm); Application.Run; end. APPSFORM.PASunit AppSForm; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls; type TServerForm = class(TForm) lbLog: TListBox; private { Private declarations } public procedure Add (strLog: string); end; var ServerForm: TServerForm; implementation {$R *.DFM} { TServerForm } procedure TServerForm.Add(strLog: string); begin // add item and move to it lbLog.ItemIndex := lbLog.Items.Add (strLog); end; end. APPSPLUS_TLB.PASunit AppSPlus_TLB; // ************************************************************************ // // WARNING // ------- // The types declared in this file were generated from data read from a // Type Library. If this type library is explicitly or indirectly (via // another type library referring to this type library) re-imported, or the // 'Refresh' command of the Type Library Editor activated while editing the // Type Library, the contents of this file will be regenerated and all // manual modifications will be lost. // ************************************************************************ // // PASTLWTR : $Revision: 1.84 $ // File generated on 8/4/99 5:16:01 PM from Type Library described below. // *************************************************************************// // NOTE: // Items guarded by $IFDEF_LIVE_SERVER_AT_DESIGN_TIME are used by properties // which return objects that may need to be explicitly created via a function // call prior to any access via the property. These items have been disabled // in order to prevent accidental use from within the object inspector. You // may enable them by defining LIVE_SERVER_AT_DESIGN_TIME or by selectively // removing them from the $IFDEF blocks. However, such items must still be // programmatically created via a method of the appropriate CoClass before // they can be used. // ************************************************************************ // // Type Lib: C:\md5code\Part5\21\AppSPlus\AppSPlus.tlb (1) // IID\LCID: {E31849A6-4A82-11D3-B9F1-00000100A27B}\0 // Helpfile: // DepndLst: // (1) v2.0 stdole, (C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\STDOLE2.TLB) // (2) v4.0 StdVCL, (C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\STDVCL40.DLL) // (3) v1.0 Midas, (C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\MIDAS.DLL) // ************************************************************************ // {$TYPEDADDRESS OFF} // Unit must be compiled without type-checked pointers. interface uses Windows, ActiveX, Classes, Graphics, OleServer, OleCtrls, StdVCL, MIDAS; // *********************************************************************// // GUIDS declared in the TypeLibrary. Following prefixes are used: // Type Libraries : LIBID_xxxx // CoClasses : CLASS_xxxx // DISPInterfaces : DIID_xxxx // Non-DISP interfaces: IID_xxxx // *********************************************************************// const // TypeLibrary Major and minor versions AppSPlusMajorVersion = 1; AppSPlusMinorVersion = 0; LIBID_AppSPlus: TGUID = '{E31849A6-4A82-11D3-B9F1-00000100A27B}'; IID_IAppServerPlus: TGUID = '{E31849A7-4A82-11D3-B9F1-00000100A27B}'; CLASS_AppServerPlus: TGUID = '{E31849A9-4A82-11D3-B9F1-00000100A27B}'; type // *********************************************************************// // Forward declaration of types defined in TypeLibrary // *********************************************************************// IAppServerPlus = interface; IAppServerPlusDisp = dispinterface; // *********************************************************************// // Declaration of CoClasses defined in Type Library // (NOTE: Here we map each CoClass to its Default Interface) // *********************************************************************// AppServerPlus = IAppServerPlus; // *********************************************************************// // Interface: IAppServerPlus // Flags: (4416) Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable // GUID: {E31849A7-4A82-11D3-B9F1-00000100A27B} // *********************************************************************// IAppServerPlus = interface(IAppServer) ['{E31849A7-4A82-11D3-B9F1-00000100A27B}'] procedure Login(const Name: WideString; const Password: WideString); safecall; end; // *********************************************************************// // DispIntf: IAppServerPlusDisp // Flags: (4416) Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable // GUID: {E31849A7-4A82-11D3-B9F1-00000100A27B} // *********************************************************************// IAppServerPlusDisp = dispinterface ['{E31849A7-4A82-11D3-B9F1-00000100A27B}'] procedure Login(const Name: WideString; const Password: WideString); dispid 1; function AS_ApplyUpdates(const ProviderName: WideString; Delta: OleVariant; MaxErrors: Integer; out ErrorCount: Integer; var OwnerData: OleVariant): OleVariant; dispid 20000000; function AS_GetRecords(const ProviderName: WideString; Count: Integer; out RecsOut: Integer; Options: Integer; const CommandText: WideString; var Params: OleVariant; var OwnerData: OleVariant): OleVariant; dispid 20000001; function AS_DataRequest(const ProviderName: WideString; Data: OleVariant): OleVariant; dispid 20000002; function AS_GetProviderNames: OleVariant; dispid 20000003; function AS_GetParams(const ProviderName: WideString; var OwnerData: OleVariant): OleVariant; dispid 20000004; function AS_RowRequest(const ProviderName: WideString; Row: OleVariant; RequestType: Integer; var OwnerData: OleVariant): OleVariant; dispid 20000005; procedure AS_Execute(const ProviderName: WideString; const CommandText: WideString; var Params: OleVariant; var OwnerData: OleVariant); dispid 20000006; end; // *********************************************************************// // The Class CoAppServerPlus provides a Create and CreateRemote method to // create instances of the default interface IAppServerPlus exposed by // the CoClass AppServerPlus. The functions are intended to be used by // clients wishing to automate the CoClass objects exposed by the // server of this typelibrary. // *********************************************************************// CoAppServerPlus = class class function Create: IAppServerPlus; class function CreateRemote(const MachineName: string): IAppServerPlus; end; // *********************************************************************// // OLE Server Proxy class declaration // Server Object : TAppServerPlus // Help String : AppServerPlus Object // Default Interface: IAppServerPlus // Def. Intf. DISP? : No // Event Interface: // TypeFlags : (2) CanCreate // *********************************************************************// {$IFDEF LIVE_SERVER_AT_DESIGN_TIME} TAppServerPlusProperties= class; {$ENDIF} TAppServerPlus = class(TOleServer) private FIntf: IAppServerPlus; {$IFDEF LIVE_SERVER_AT_DESIGN_TIME} FProps: TAppServerPlusProperties; function GetServerProperties: TAppServerPlusProperties; {$ENDIF} function GetDefaultInterface: IAppServerPlus; protected procedure InitServerData; override; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; procedure Connect; override; procedure ConnectTo(svrIntf: IAppServerPlus); procedure Disconnect; override; function AS_ApplyUpdates(const ProviderName: WideString; Delta: OleVariant; MaxErrors: Integer; out ErrorCount: Integer; var OwnerData: OleVariant): OleVariant; function AS_GetRecords(const ProviderName: WideString; Count: Integer; out RecsOut: Integer; Options: Integer; const CommandText: WideString; var Params: OleVariant; var OwnerData: OleVariant): OleVariant; function AS_DataRequest(const ProviderName: WideString; Data: OleVariant): OleVariant; function AS_GetProviderNames: OleVariant; function AS_GetParams(const ProviderName: WideString; var OwnerData: OleVariant): OleVariant; function AS_RowRequest(const ProviderName: WideString; Row: OleVariant; RequestType: Integer; var OwnerData: OleVariant): OleVariant; procedure AS_Execute(const ProviderName: WideString; const CommandText: WideString; var Params: OleVariant; var OwnerData: OleVariant); procedure Login(const Name: WideString; const Password: WideString); property DefaultInterface: IAppServerPlus read GetDefaultInterface; published {$IFDEF LIVE_SERVER_AT_DESIGN_TIME} property Server: TAppServerPlusProperties read GetServerProperties; {$ENDIF} end; {$IFDEF LIVE_SERVER_AT_DESIGN_TIME} // *********************************************************************// // OLE Server Properties Proxy Class // Server Object : TAppServerPlus // (This object is used by the IDE's Property Inspector to allow editing // of the properties of this server) // *********************************************************************// TAppServerPlusProperties = class(TPersistent) private FServer: TAppServerPlus; function GetDefaultInterface: IAppServerPlus; constructor Create(AServer: TAppServerPlus); protected public property DefaultInterface: IAppServerPlus read GetDefaultInterface; published end; {$ENDIF} procedure Register; implementation uses ComObj; class function CoAppServerPlus.Create: IAppServerPlus; begin Result := CreateComObject(CLASS_AppServerPlus) as IAppServerPlus; end; class function CoAppServerPlus.CreateRemote(const MachineName: string): IAppServerPlus; begin Result := CreateRemoteComObject(MachineName, CLASS_AppServerPlus) as IAppServerPlus; end; procedure TAppServerPlus.InitServerData; const CServerData: TServerData = ( ClassID: '{E31849A9-4A82-11D3-B9F1-00000100A27B}'; IntfIID: '{E31849A7-4A82-11D3-B9F1-00000100A27B}'; EventIID: ''; LicenseKey: nil; Version: 500); begin ServerData := @CServerData; end; procedure TAppServerPlus.Connect; var punk: IUnknown; begin if FIntf = nil then begin punk := GetServer; Fintf:= punk as IAppServerPlus; end; end; procedure TAppServerPlus.ConnectTo(svrIntf: IAppServerPlus); begin Disconnect; FIntf := svrIntf; end; procedure TAppServerPlus.DisConnect; begin if Fintf <> nil then begin FIntf := nil; end; end; function TAppServerPlus.GetDefaultInterface: IAppServerPlus; begin if FIntf = nil then Connect; Assert(FIntf <> nil, 'DefaultInterface is NULL. Component is not connected to Server. You must call ''Connect'' or ''ConnectTo'' before this operation'); Result := FIntf; end; constructor TAppServerPlus.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); {$IFDEF LIVE_SERVER_AT_DESIGN_TIME} FProps := TAppServerPlusProperties.Create(Self); {$ENDIF} end; destructor TAppServerPlus.Destroy; begin {$IFDEF LIVE_SERVER_AT_DESIGN_TIME} FProps.Free; {$ENDIF} inherited Destroy; end; {$IFDEF LIVE_SERVER_AT_DESIGN_TIME} function TAppServerPlus.GetServerProperties: TAppServerPlusProperties; begin Result := FProps; end; {$ENDIF} function TAppServerPlus.AS_ApplyUpdates(const ProviderName: WideString; Delta: OleVariant; MaxErrors: Integer; out ErrorCount: Integer; var OwnerData: OleVariant): OleVariant; begin Result := DefaultInterface.AS_ApplyUpdates(ProviderName, Delta, MaxErrors, ErrorCount, OwnerData); end; function TAppServerPlus.AS_GetRecords(const ProviderName: WideString; Count: Integer; out RecsOut: Integer; Options: Integer; const CommandText: WideString; var Params: OleVariant; var OwnerData: OleVariant): OleVariant; begin Result := DefaultInterface.AS_GetRecords(ProviderName, Count, RecsOut, Options, CommandText, Params, OwnerData); end; function TAppServerPlus.AS_DataRequest(const ProviderName: WideString; Data: OleVariant): OleVariant; begin Result := DefaultInterface.AS_DataRequest(ProviderName, Data); end; function TAppServerPlus.AS_GetProviderNames: OleVariant; begin Result := DefaultInterface.AS_GetProviderNames; end; function TAppServerPlus.AS_GetParams(const ProviderName: WideString; var OwnerData: OleVariant): OleVariant; begin Result := DefaultInterface.AS_GetParams(ProviderName, OwnerData); end; function TAppServerPlus.AS_RowRequest(const ProviderName: WideString; Row: OleVariant; RequestType: Integer; var OwnerData: OleVariant): OleVariant; begin Result := DefaultInterface.AS_RowRequest(ProviderName, Row, RequestType, OwnerData); end; procedure TAppServerPlus.AS_Execute(const ProviderName: WideString; const CommandText: WideString; var Params: OleVariant; var OwnerData: OleVariant); begin DefaultInterface.AS_Execute(ProviderName, CommandText, Params, OwnerData); end; procedure TAppServerPlus.Login(const Name: WideString; const Password: WideString); begin DefaultInterface.Login(Name, Password); end; {$IFDEF LIVE_SERVER_AT_DESIGN_TIME} constructor TAppServerPlusProperties.Create(AServer: TAppServerPlus); begin inherited Create; FServer := AServer; end; function TAppServerPlusProperties.GetDefaultInterface: IAppServerPlus; begin Result := FServer.DefaultInterface; end; {$ENDIF} procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('Servers',[TAppServerPlus]); end; end. APPSRDM.PASunit AppSRDM; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, ComServ, ComObj, VCLCom, DataBkr, DBClient, AppSPlus_TLB, StdVcl, Db, Provider, DBTables; type TAppServerPlus = class(TRemoteDataModule, IAppServerPlus) TableCustomer: TTable; TableCustomerCustNo: TFloatField; TableCustomerCompany: TStringField; TableCustomerAddr1: TStringField; TableCustomerAddr2: TStringField; TableCustomerCity: TStringField; TableCustomerState: TStringField; TableCustomerZip: TStringField; TableCustomerCountry: TStringField; TableCustomerPhone: TStringField; TableCustomerFAX: TStringField; TableCustomerTaxRate: TFloatField; TableCustomerContact: TStringField; TableCustomerLastInvoiceDate: TDateTimeField; Query: TQuery; TableOrders: TTable; ProviderOrders: TProvider; DataSourceCust: TDataSource; ProviderCustomer: TDataSetProvider; ProviderQuery: TDataSetProvider; procedure ProviderCustomerUpdateData(Sender: TObject; DataSet: TClientDataSet); procedure ProviderCustomerBeforeUpdateRecord(Sender: TObject; SourceDS: TDataSet; DeltaDS: TClientDataSet; UpdateKind: TUpdateKind; var Applied: Boolean); procedure ProviderQueryGetDataSetProperties(Sender: TObject; DataSet: TDataSet; out Properties: OleVariant); private { Private declarations } protected class procedure UpdateRegistry(Register: Boolean; const ClassID, ProgID: string); override; procedure Login(const Name, Password: WideString); safecall; public { Public declarations } end; implementation uses AppSForm; {$R *.DFM} class procedure TAppServerPlus.UpdateRegistry(Register: Boolean; const ClassID, ProgID: string); begin if Register then begin inherited UpdateRegistry(Register, ClassID, ProgID); EnableSocketTransport(ClassID); EnableWebTransport(ClassID); end else begin DisableSocketTransport(ClassID); DisableWebTransport(ClassID); inherited UpdateRegistry(Register, ClassID, ProgID); end; end; procedure TAppServerPlus.ProviderCustomerUpdateData(Sender: TObject; DataSet: TClientDataSet); begin ServerForm.Add ('ProviderCustomer.OnUpdateData'); end; procedure TAppServerPlus.ProviderCustomerBeforeUpdateRecord( Sender: TObject; SourceDS: TDataSet; DeltaDS: TClientDataSet; UpdateKind: TUpdateKind; var Applied: Boolean); begin ServerForm.Add ('ProviderCustomer.UpdateRecord'); end; procedure TAppServerPlus.Login(const Name, Password: WideString); begin // TODO: add actual login code... if Password <> Name then raise Exception.Create ('Wrong name/password combination received') else Query.Active := True; ServerForm.Add ('Login:' + Name + '/' + Password); end; procedure TAppServerPlus.ProviderQueryGetDataSetProperties(Sender: TObject; DataSet: TDataSet; out Properties: OleVariant); begin Properties := VarArrayCreate([0,1], varVariant); Properties[0] := VarArrayOf(['Time', Now, True]); Properties[1] := VarArrayOf(['Param', Query.Params[0].AsString, False]); end; initialization TComponentFactory.Create(ComServer, TAppServerPlus, Class_AppServerPlus, ciMultiInstance, tmApartment); end. APPSFORM.DFMobject ServerForm: TServerForm Left = 297 Top = 237 Width = 696 Height = 480 Caption = 'AppServerPlus' Color = clBtnFace Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] OldCreateOrder = False PixelsPerInch = 96 TextHeight = 13 object lbLog: TListBox Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 688 Height = 453 Align = alClient ItemHeight = 13 TabOrder = 0 end end APPSRDM.DFMobject AppServerPlus: TAppServerPlus OldCreateOrder = False Left = 279 Top = 157 Height = 480 Width = 696 object TableCustomer: TTable Active = True DatabaseName = 'DBDEMOS' TableName = 'customer.db' Left = 120 Top = 40 object TableCustomerCustNo: TFloatField FieldName = 'CustNo' end object TableCustomerCompany: TStringField FieldName = 'Company' Size = 30 end object TableCustomerAddr1: TStringField FieldName = 'Addr1' Size = 30 end object TableCustomerAddr2: TStringField FieldName = 'Addr2' Size = 30 end object TableCustomerCity: TStringField FieldName = 'City' Size = 15 end object TableCustomerState: TStringField FieldName = 'State' end object TableCustomerZip: TStringField FieldName = 'Zip' Size = 10 end object TableCustomerCountry: TStringField FieldName = 'Country' end object TableCustomerPhone: TStringField FieldName = 'Phone' Size = 15 end object TableCustomerFAX: TStringField FieldName = 'FAX' Size = 15 end object TableCustomerTaxRate: TFloatField FieldName = 'TaxRate' end object TableCustomerContact: TStringField FieldName = 'Contact' end object TableCustomerLastInvoiceDate: TDateTimeField FieldName = 'LastInvoiceDate' end end object Query: TQuery DatabaseName = 'DBDEMOS' SQL.Strings = ( 'select * from customer' ' where Country = :Country') Left = 112 Top = 200 ParamData = < item DataType = ftString Name = 'Country' ParamType = ptUnknown Value = '' end> end object TableOrders: TTable DatabaseName = 'DBDEMOS' IndexName = 'CustNo' MasterFields = 'CustNo' MasterSource = DataSourceCust TableName = 'ORDERS.DB' Left = 176 Top = 96 end object ProviderOrders: TProvider DataSet = TableOrders Constraints = True Left = 120 Top = 96 end object DataSourceCust: TDataSource DataSet = TableCustomer Left = 184 Top = 40 end object ProviderCustomer: TDataSetProvider DataSet = TableCustomer Constraints = True OnUpdateData = ProviderCustomerUpdateData BeforeUpdateRecord = ProviderCustomerBeforeUpdateRecord Left = 56 Top = 40 end object ProviderQuery: TDataSetProvider DataSet = Query Constraints = True OnGetDataSetProperties = ProviderQueryGetDataSetProperties Left = 48 Top = 200 end end
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