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Home: Code Repository: Mastering Delphi 5Project ASPTEST
Project StructureASPTEST.DPRlibrary AspTest; uses ComServ, aspobj1 in 'aspobj1.pas', testdm in 'testdm.pas' {DataModule1: TDataModule}; exports DllGetClassObject, DllCanUnloadNow, DllRegisterServer, DllUnregisterServer; {$R *.RES} {$R *.TLB} begin end. ASPTEST_TLB.PASunit AspTest_TLB; // ************************************************************************ // // WARNING // ------- // The types declared in this file were generated from data read from a // Type Library. If this type library is explicitly or indirectly (via // another type library referring to this type library) re-imported, or the // 'Refresh' command of the Type Library Editor activated while editing the // Type Library, the contents of this file will be regenerated and all // manual modifications will be lost. // ************************************************************************ // // PASTLWTR : $Revision: 1.81 $ // File generated on 8/3/99 3:36:42 PM from Type Library described below. // *************************************************************************// // NOTE: // Items guarded by $IFDEF_LIVE_SERVER_AT_DESIGN_TIME are used by properties // which return objects that may need to be explicitly created via a function // call prior to any access via the property. These items have been disabled // in order to prevent accidental use from within the object inspector. You // may enable them by defining LIVE_SERVER_AT_DESIGN_TIME or by selectively // removing them from the $IFDEF blocks. However, such items must still be // programmatically created via a method of the appropriate CoClass before // they can be used. // ************************************************************************ // // Type Lib: C:\md5code\Part5\20\AspTest\AspTest.tlb (1) // IID\LCID: {1F70FA60-499C-11D3-B9F1-00000100A27B}\0 // Helpfile: // DepndLst: // (1) v2.0 stdole, (C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\STDOLE2.TLB) // (2) v4.0 StdVCL, (C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\STDVCL40.DLL) // ************************************************************************ // {$TYPEDADDRESS OFF} // Unit must be compiled without type-checked pointers. interface uses Windows, ActiveX, Classes, Graphics, OleServer, OleCtrls, StdVCL; // *********************************************************************// // GUIDS declared in the TypeLibrary. Following prefixes are used: // Type Libraries : LIBID_xxxx // CoClasses : CLASS_xxxx // DISPInterfaces : DIID_xxxx // Non-DISP interfaces: IID_xxxx // *********************************************************************// const // TypeLibrary Major and minor versions AspTestMajorVersion = 1; AspTestMinorVersion = 0; LIBID_AspTest: TGUID = '{1F70FA60-499C-11D3-B9F1-00000100A27B}'; IID_IAspTest1: TGUID = '{1F70FA61-499C-11D3-B9F1-00000100A27B}'; CLASS_AspTest1_: TGUID = '{1F70FA63-499C-11D3-B9F1-00000100A27B}'; type // *********************************************************************// // Forward declaration of types defined in TypeLibrary // *********************************************************************// IAspTest1 = interface; IAspTest1Disp = dispinterface; // *********************************************************************// // Declaration of CoClasses defined in Type Library // (NOTE: Here we map each CoClass to its Default Interface) // *********************************************************************// AspTest1_ = IAspTest1; // *********************************************************************// // Interface: IAspTest1 // Flags: (4416) Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable // GUID: {1F70FA61-499C-11D3-B9F1-00000100A27B} // *********************************************************************// IAspTest1 = interface(IDispatch) ['{1F70FA61-499C-11D3-B9F1-00000100A27B}'] procedure OnStartPage(const AScriptingContext: IUnknown); safecall; procedure OnEndPage; safecall; procedure ShowData; safecall; procedure ShowTable; safecall; procedure Hello; safecall; end; // *********************************************************************// // DispIntf: IAspTest1Disp // Flags: (4416) Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable // GUID: {1F70FA61-499C-11D3-B9F1-00000100A27B} // *********************************************************************// IAspTest1Disp = dispinterface ['{1F70FA61-499C-11D3-B9F1-00000100A27B}'] procedure OnStartPage(const AScriptingContext: IUnknown); dispid 1; procedure OnEndPage; dispid 2; procedure ShowData; dispid 3; procedure ShowTable; dispid 4; procedure Hello; dispid 5; end; // *********************************************************************// // The Class CoAspTest1_ provides a Create and CreateRemote method to // create instances of the default interface IAspTest1 exposed by // the CoClass AspTest1_. The functions are intended to be used by // clients wishing to automate the CoClass objects exposed by the // server of this typelibrary. // *********************************************************************// CoAspTest1_ = class class function Create: IAspTest1; class function CreateRemote(const MachineName: string): IAspTest1; end; // *********************************************************************// // OLE Server Proxy class declaration // Server Object : TAspTest1_ // Help String : asptest Object // Default Interface: IAspTest1 // Def. Intf. DISP? : No // Event Interface: // TypeFlags : (2) CanCreate // *********************************************************************// {$IFDEF LIVE_SERVER_AT_DESIGN_TIME} TAspTest1_Properties= class; {$ENDIF} TAspTest1_ = class(TOleServer) private FIntf: IAspTest1; {$IFDEF LIVE_SERVER_AT_DESIGN_TIME} FProps: TAspTest1_Properties; function GetServerProperties: TAspTest1_Properties; {$ENDIF} function GetDefaultInterface: IAspTest1; protected procedure InitServerData; override; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; procedure Connect; override; procedure ConnectTo(svrIntf: IAspTest1); procedure Disconnect; override; procedure OnStartPage(const AScriptingContext: IUnknown); procedure OnEndPage; procedure ShowData; procedure ShowTable; procedure Hello; property DefaultInterface: IAspTest1 read GetDefaultInterface; published {$IFDEF LIVE_SERVER_AT_DESIGN_TIME} property Server: TAspTest1_Properties read GetServerProperties; {$ENDIF} end; {$IFDEF LIVE_SERVER_AT_DESIGN_TIME} // *********************************************************************// // OLE Server Properties Proxy Class // Server Object : TAspTest1_ // (This object is used by the IDE's Property Inspector to allow editing // of the properties of this server) // *********************************************************************// TAspTest1_Properties = class(TPersistent) private FServer: TAspTest1_; function GetDefaultInterface: IAspTest1; constructor Create(AServer: TAspTest1_); protected public property DefaultInterface: IAspTest1 read GetDefaultInterface; published end; {$ENDIF} procedure Register; implementation uses ComObj; class function CoAspTest1_.Create: IAspTest1; begin Result := CreateComObject(CLASS_AspTest1_) as IAspTest1; end; class function CoAspTest1_.CreateRemote(const MachineName: string): IAspTest1; begin Result := CreateRemoteComObject(MachineName, CLASS_AspTest1_) as IAspTest1; end; procedure TAspTest1_.InitServerData; const CServerData: TServerData = ( ClassID: '{1F70FA63-499C-11D3-B9F1-00000100A27B}'; IntfIID: '{1F70FA61-499C-11D3-B9F1-00000100A27B}'; EventIID: ''; LicenseKey: nil; Version: 500); begin ServerData := @CServerData; end; procedure TAspTest1_.Connect; var punk: IUnknown; begin if FIntf = nil then begin punk := GetServer; Fintf:= punk as IAspTest1; end; end; procedure TAspTest1_.ConnectTo(svrIntf: IAspTest1); begin Disconnect; FIntf := svrIntf; end; procedure TAspTest1_.DisConnect; begin if Fintf <> nil then begin FIntf := nil; end; end; function TAspTest1_.GetDefaultInterface: IAspTest1; begin if FIntf = nil then Connect; Assert(FIntf <> nil, 'DefaultInterface is NULL. Component is not connected to Server. You must call ''Connect'' or ''ConnectTo'' before this operation'); Result := FIntf; end; constructor TAspTest1_.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); {$IFDEF LIVE_SERVER_AT_DESIGN_TIME} FProps := TAspTest1_Properties.Create(Self); {$ENDIF} end; destructor TAspTest1_.Destroy; begin {$IFDEF LIVE_SERVER_AT_DESIGN_TIME} FProps.Free; {$ENDIF} inherited Destroy; end; {$IFDEF LIVE_SERVER_AT_DESIGN_TIME} function TAspTest1_.GetServerProperties: TAspTest1_Properties; begin Result := FProps; end; {$ENDIF} procedure TAspTest1_.OnStartPage(const AScriptingContext: IUnknown); begin DefaultInterface.OnStartPage(AScriptingContext); end; procedure TAspTest1_.OnEndPage; begin DefaultInterface.OnEndPage; end; procedure TAspTest1_.ShowData; begin DefaultInterface.ShowData; end; procedure TAspTest1_.ShowTable; begin DefaultInterface.ShowTable; end; procedure TAspTest1_.Hello; begin DefaultInterface.Hello; end; {$IFDEF LIVE_SERVER_AT_DESIGN_TIME} constructor TAspTest1_Properties.Create(AServer: TAspTest1_); begin inherited Create; FServer := AServer; end; function TAspTest1_Properties.GetDefaultInterface: IAspTest1; begin Result := FServer.DefaultInterface; end; {$ENDIF} procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('Servers',[TAspTest1_]); end; end. ASPOBJ1.PASunit aspobj1; interface uses ComObj, ActiveX, AspTlb, StdVcl, AspTest_TLB; type Tasptest = class(TASPObject, IAspTest1) protected procedure OnEndPage; safecall; procedure OnStartPage(const AScriptingContext: IUnknown); safecall; procedure ShowData; safecall; procedure ShowTable; safecall; procedure Hello; safecall; private StartTime: TDateTime; end; implementation uses ComServ, testdm, SysUtils; procedure Tasptest.Hello; var strName: string; begin strName := Session ['UserName']; Response.Write ('<h3>Hello, ' + strName + '</h3>'); Response.Write ('<p>Page started at ' + TimeToStr (StartTime)); end; procedure Tasptest.OnEndPage; begin inherited OnEndPage; end; procedure Tasptest.OnStartPage(const AScriptingContext: IUnknown); begin inherited OnStartPage(AScriptingContext); StartTime := Now; end; procedure Tasptest.ShowData; begin Response.Write ('<h3>Delphi wrote this text</h3>'); end; procedure Tasptest.ShowTable; begin DataModule1 := TDataModule1.Create (nil); try Response.Write (DataModule1.DataSetTableProducer1.Content) finally DataModule1.Free; end; end; initialization TAutoObjectFactory.Create(ComServer, Tasptest, CLASS_AspTest1_, ciMultiInstance, tmApartment); end. TESTDM.PASunit testdm; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, HTTPApp, DBWeb, Db, ADODB, DBTables; type TDataModule1 = class(TDataModule) Table1: TTable; DataSetTableProducer1: TDataSetTableProducer; private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; var DataModule1: TDataModule1; implementation {$R *.DFM} end. TESTDM.DFMobject DataModule1: TDataModule1 OldCreateOrder = False Left = 240 Top = 215 Height = 480 Width = 696 object Table1: TTable Active = True DatabaseName = 'DBDEMOS' TableName = 'employee.db' Left = 56 Top = 32 end object DataSetTableProducer1: TDataSetTableProducer MaxRows = -1 DataSet = Table1 Left = 56 Top = 80 end end
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