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Home: Code Repository: Mastering Delphi 5Project DLLMEM
Project StructureDLLMEM.DPRlibrary dllmem; uses SysUtils, DllMemU in 'DllMemU.pas'; exports SetData, GetData, GetShareData, SetShareData; end. DLLMEMU.PASunit DllMemU; interface uses Windows, SysUtils; procedure SetData (I: Integer); stdcall; function GetData: Integer; stdcall; procedure SetShareData (I: Integer); stdcall; function GetShareData: Integer; stdcall; implementation // global DLL data var PlainData: Integer = 0; // not shared ShareData: ^Integer; // shared hMapFile: THandle; const VirtualFileName = 'ShareDllData'; DataSize = sizeof (Integer); // plain (non shared) data read and write procedure SetData (I: Integer); stdcall; begin PlainData := I; end; function GetData: Integer; stdcall; begin Result := PlainData; end; // shared data read and write procedure SetShareData (I: Integer); stdcall; begin ShareData^ := I; end; function GetShareData: Integer; stdcall; begin Result := ShareData^; end; initialization //create memory mapped file hMapFile := CreateFileMapping ($FFFFFFFF, nil, Page_ReadWrite, 0, DataSize, VirtualFileName); if hMapFile = 0 then raise Exception.Create ('Error creating memory mapped file'); // get the pointer to the actual data ShareData := MapViewOfFile ( hMapFile, File_Map_Write, 0, 0, DataSize); finalization UnmapViewOfFile (ShareData); CloseHandle (hMapFile); end.
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