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Project StructureFORMDLLP.DPRlibrary FormdllP; uses ScrollF in 'SCROLLF.PAS' {FormScroll}; exports GetColor, ShowColor; end. SCROLLF.PASunit ScrollF; interface uses SysUtils, Windows, Messages, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, ComCtrls, ExtCtrls, Buttons; type TFormScroll = class(TForm) ScrollBarRed: TScrollBar; ScrollBarGreen: TScrollBar; ScrollBarBlue: TScrollBar; LabelRed: TLabel; LabelGreen: TLabel; LabelBlue: TLabel; Shape1: TShape; Shape2: TShape; Shape3: TShape; Label1: TLabel; Label2: TLabel; LabelScroll: TLabel; TrackBar1: TTrackBar; Panel1: TPanel; sbRed: TSpeedButton; sbBlue: TSpeedButton; sbGreen: TSpeedButton; BitBtn1: TBitBtn; BitBtn2: TBitBtn; spApplication: TSpeedButton; procedure ScrollBarsScroll(Sender: TObject; ScrollCode: TScrollCode; var ScrollPos: Integer); procedure TrackBar1Change(Sender: TObject); procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); procedure sbRedClick(Sender: TObject); procedure sbBlueClick(Sender: TObject); procedure sbGreenClick(Sender: TObject); procedure spApplicationClick(Sender: TObject); private procedure SetSelColor (Col: TColor); function GetSelColor: TColor; public procedure ApplyClick (Sender: TObject); property SelectedColor: TColor read GetSelColor write SetSelColor; end; // extern DLL functions declarations function GetColor (Col: LongInt): LongInt; stdcall; procedure ShowColor (Col: LongInt); stdcall; implementation {$R *.DFM} procedure TFormScroll.ScrollBarsScroll(Sender: TObject; ScrollCode: TScrollCode; var ScrollPos: Integer); begin (Sender as TScrollBar).Hint := IntToStr(ScrollPos); Shape1.Brush.Color := RGB (ScrollBarRed.Position, ScrollBarGreen.Position, ScrollBarBlue.Position); Shape2.Pen.Color := RGB (ScrollBarRed.Position, ScrollBarGreen.Position, ScrollBarBlue.Position); end; procedure TFormScroll.TrackBar1Change(Sender: TObject); begin LabelScroll.Caption := 'Scroll by ' + IntToStr(TrackBar1.Position); ScrollBarGreen.LargeChange := TrackBar1.Position; ScrollBarRed.LargeChange := TrackBar1.Position; ScrollBarBlue.LargeChange := TrackBar1.Position; end; procedure TFormScroll.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); begin // used by the modeless form Action := caFree; end; procedure TFormScroll.ApplyClick(Sender: TObject); begin // access to the main form directly Application.MainForm.Color := SelectedColor; end; procedure TFormScroll.sbRedClick(Sender: TObject); begin SelectedColor := clRed; end; // set and get properties function TFormScroll.GetSelColor: TColor; begin Result := RGB (ScrollBarRed.Position, ScrollBarGreen.Position, ScrollBarBlue.Position); end; procedure TFormScroll.SetSelColor (Col: TColor); var RGBCol: Integer; begin RGBCol := ColorToRGB (Col); ScrollBarRed.Position := GetRValue (RGBCol); ScrollBarGreen.Position := GetGValue (RGBCol); ScrollBarBlue.Position := GetBValue (RGBCol); Shape1.Brush.Color := Col; Shape2.Pen.Color := Col; end; procedure TFormScroll.sbBlueClick(Sender: TObject); begin SelectedColor := clBlue; end; procedure TFormScroll.sbGreenClick(Sender: TObject); begin SelectedColor := clGreen; end; procedure TFormScroll.spApplicationClick(Sender: TObject); begin ShowMessage ('Application Handle: ' + IntToStr (Application.Handle)); end; // extern DLL functions function GetColor (Col: LongInt): LongInt; stdcall; var FormScroll: TFormScroll; begin // default value Result := Col; try FormScroll := TFormScroll.Create (Application); try // initialize the data FormScroll.SelectedColor := Col; // show the form if FormScroll.ShowModal = mrOK then Result := FormScroll.SelectedColor; finally FormScroll.Free; end; except on E: Exception do MessageDlg ('Error in FormDLL: ' + E.Message, mtError, [mbOK], 0); end; end; procedure ShowColor (Col: LongInt); stdcall; var FormScroll: TFormScroll; begin FormScroll := TFormScroll.Create (Application); try // initialize the data FormScroll.SelectedColor := Col; // initialzie the buttons FormScroll.BitBtn1.Caption := 'Apply'; FormScroll.BitBtn1.OnClick := FormScroll.ApplyClick; FormScroll.BitBtn2.Kind := bkClose; // show the form FormScroll.Show; except on E: Exception do begin MessageDlg ('Error in FormDLL: ' + E.Message, mtError, [mbOK], 0); FormScroll.Free; end; end; end; initialization Application.CreateHandle; end. SCROLLF.DFMobject FormScroll: TFormScroll Left = 215 Top = 130 ActiveControl = ScrollBarRed BorderStyle = bsDialog Caption = 'Scroll Colors' ClientHeight = 316 ClientWidth = 431 Color = clBtnFace Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] OldCreateOrder = True ShowHint = True OnClose = FormClose PixelsPerInch = 96 TextHeight = 13 object Shape3: TShape Left = 176 Top = 176 Width = 145 Height = 65 end object Shape2: TShape Left = 177 Top = 177 Width = 143 Height = 63 Pen.Color = clBtnFace Pen.Width = 40 end object LabelRed: TLabel Left = 16 Top = 56 Width = 23 Height = 13 Caption = 'Red:' end object LabelGreen: TLabel Left = 16 Top = 88 Width = 32 Height = 13 Caption = 'Green:' end object LabelBlue: TLabel Left = 16 Top = 120 Width = 24 Height = 13 Caption = 'Blue:' end object Shape1: TShape Left = 16 Top = 176 Width = 145 Height = 65 Brush.Color = clBtnFace end object Label1: TLabel Left = 176 Top = 152 Width = 52 Height = 13 Caption = 'Solid color:' end object Label2: TLabel Left = 16 Top = 152 Width = 69 Height = 13 Caption = 'Dithered color:' end object LabelScroll: TLabel Left = 16 Top = 269 Width = 55 Height = 13 Caption = 'Scroll by 25' end object ScrollBarRed: TScrollBar Left = 104 Top = 56 Width = 305 Height = 17 Hint = 'Red' LargeChange = 25 Max = 255 PageSize = 0 Position = 192 TabOrder = 0 OnScroll = ScrollBarsScroll end object ScrollBarGreen: TScrollBar Left = 104 Top = 88 Width = 305 Height = 17 Hint = 'Green' LargeChange = 25 Max = 255 PageSize = 0 Position = 192 TabOrder = 1 OnScroll = ScrollBarsScroll end object ScrollBarBlue: TScrollBar Left = 104 Top = 120 Width = 305 Height = 17 Hint = 'Blue' LargeChange = 25 Max = 255 PageSize = 0 Position = 192 TabOrder = 2 OnScroll = ScrollBarsScroll end object TrackBar1: TTrackBar Left = 96 Top = 264 Width = 321 Height = 33 Ctl3D = True Max = 30 Min = 1 Orientation = trHorizontal ParentCtl3D = False Frequency = 1 Position = 25 SelEnd = 0 SelStart = 0 TabOrder = 3 TabStop = False TickMarks = tmBottomRight TickStyle = tsAuto OnChange = TrackBar1Change end object Panel1: TPanel Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 431 Height = 41 Align = alTop TabOrder = 4 object sbRed: TSpeedButton Left = 8 Top = 8 Width = 80 Height = 25 Hint = 'Set the color' Caption = 'Red' Flat = True OnClick = sbRedClick end object sbBlue: TSpeedButton Left = 96 Top = 8 Width = 80 Height = 25 Hint = 'Set the color' Caption = 'Blue' Flat = True OnClick = sbBlueClick end object sbGreen: TSpeedButton Left = 184 Top = 8 Width = 80 Height = 25 Hint = 'Set the color' Caption = 'Green' Flat = True OnClick = sbGreenClick end object spApplication: TSpeedButton Left = 272 Top = 8 Width = 80 Height = 25 Hint = 'Get the handle' Caption = 'Application?' Flat = True OnClick = spApplicationClick end end object BitBtn1: TBitBtn Left = 336 Top = 176 Width = 75 Height = 25 TabOrder = 5 Kind = bkOK end object BitBtn2: TBitBtn Left = 336 Top = 216 Width = 75 Height = 25 TabOrder = 6 Kind = bkCancel end end
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