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SYNCFORM.PAS MUTEX.PAS PLAIN.PAS CRITSEC.PAS TCRISECT.PAS SYNCFORM.DFM MUTEX.DFM PLAIN.DFM CRITSEC.DFM TCRISECT.DFM THSYNCH.DPRprogram ThSynch; uses Forms, SyncForm in 'SyncForm.pas' {Form1}, Mutex in 'Mutex.pas' {Form4}, Plain in 'Plain.pas' {Form2}, CritSec in 'CritSec.pas' {Form3}, TCriSect in 'TCriSect.pas' {Form5}; {$R *.RES} begin Application.Initialize; Application.CreateForm(TForm1, Form1); Application.CreateForm(TForm4, Form4); Application.CreateForm(TForm2, Form2); Application.CreateForm(TForm3, Form3); Application.CreateForm(TForm5, Form5); Application.Run; end. SYNCFORM.PASunit SyncForm; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls; type TForm1 = class(TForm) Button1: TButton; Button2: TButton; Button3: TButton; Button4: TButton; procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Button2Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Button3Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Button4Click(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; var Form1: TForm1; implementation uses Plain, CritSec, Mutex, TCriSect; {$R *.DFM} procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin Form2.Show; end; procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); begin Form3.Show; end; procedure TForm1.Button3Click(Sender: TObject); begin Form4.Show; end; procedure TForm1.Button4Click(Sender: TObject); begin Form5.Show; end; end. MUTEX.PASunit Mutex; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls; type TListThread = class (TThread) private Str: String; protected procedure AddToList; procedure Execute; override; public LBox: TListBox; end; TForm4 = class(TForm) BtnStart: TButton; ListBox1: TListBox; ListBox2: TListBox; procedure BtnStartClick(Sender: TObject); procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); private Th1, Th2: TListThread; public { Public declarations } end; var Form4: TForm4; Letters: string = 'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA'; hMutex: THandle; implementation {$R *.DFM} procedure TListThread.AddToList; begin if Assigned (LBox) then LBox.Items.Add (Str); end; procedure TListThread.Execute; var I, J, K: Integer; begin for I := 0 to 50 do begin WaitForSingleObject (hMutex, INFINITE); for J := 1 to 20 do for K := 1 to 2601 do // useless repetition... if Letters [J] < 'Z' then Letters [J] := Succ (Letters [J]) else Letters [J] := 'A'; Str := Letters; ReleaseMutex (hMutex); Synchronize (AddToList); end; end; procedure TForm4.BtnStartClick(Sender: TObject); begin ListBox1.Clear; ListBox2.Clear; Th1 := TListThread.Create (True); Th2 := TListThread.Create (True); Th1.FreeOnTerminate := True; Th2.FreeOnTerminate := True; Th1.LBox := Listbox1; Th2.LBox := Listbox2; Th1.Resume; Th2.Resume; end; procedure TForm4.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin hMutex := CreateMutex (nil, false, nil); end; procedure TForm4.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); begin CloseHandle (hMutex); end; end. PLAIN.PASunit Plain; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls; type TListThread = class (TThread) private Str: String; protected procedure AddToList; procedure Execute; override; public LBox: TListBox; end; TForm2 = class(TForm) ListBox1: TListBox; ListBox2: TListBox; BtnStart: TButton; procedure BtnStartClick(Sender: TObject); private Th1, Th2: TListThread; public { Public declarations } end; var Form2: TForm2; Letters: string = 'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA'; implementation {$R *.DFM} procedure TListThread.AddToList; begin if Assigned (LBox) then LBox.Items.Add (Str); end; procedure TListThread.Execute; var I, J, K: Integer; begin for I := 0 to 50 do begin for J := 1 to 20 do for K := 1 to 2601 do // useless repetition... if Letters [J] < 'Z' then Letters [J] := Succ (Letters [J]) else Letters [J] := 'A'; Str := Letters; Synchronize (AddToList); end; end; procedure TForm2.BtnStartClick(Sender: TObject); begin ListBox1.Clear; ListBox2.Clear; Th1 := TListThread.Create (True); Th2 := TListThread.Create (True); Th1.FreeOnTerminate := True; Th2.FreeOnTerminate := True; Th1.LBox := Listbox1; Th2.LBox := Listbox2; Th1.Resume; Th2.Resume; end; end. CRITSEC.PASunit CritSec; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls; type TListThread = class (TThread) private Str: String; protected procedure AddToList; procedure Execute; override; public LBox: TListBox; end; TForm3 = class(TForm) BtnStart: TButton; ListBox1: TListBox; ListBox2: TListBox; procedure BtnStartClick(Sender: TObject); procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); private Th1, Th2: TListThread; public { Public declarations } end; var Form3: TForm3; Letters: string = 'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA'; Critical1: TRTLCriticalSection; implementation {$R *.DFM} procedure TListThread.AddToList; begin if Assigned (LBox) then LBox.Items.Add (Str); end; procedure TListThread.Execute; var I, J, K: Integer; begin for I := 0 to 50 do begin EnterCriticalSection (Critical1); for J := 1 to 20 do for K := 1 to 2601 do // useless repetition... if Letters [J] < 'Z' then Letters [J] := Succ (Letters [J]) else Letters [J] := 'A'; Str := Letters; LeaveCriticalSection (Critical1); Synchronize (AddToList); end; end; procedure TForm3.BtnStartClick(Sender: TObject); begin ListBox1.Clear; ListBox2.Clear; Th1 := TListThread.Create (True); Th2 := TListThread.Create (True); Th1.FreeOnTerminate := True; Th2.FreeOnTerminate := True; Th1.LBox := Listbox1; Th2.LBox := Listbox2; Th1.Resume; Th2.Resume; end; procedure TForm3.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin InitializeCriticalSection (Critical1); end; procedure TForm3.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); begin DeleteCriticalSection (Critical1); end; end. TCRISECT.PASunit TCriSect; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, SyncObjs; type TListThread = class (TThread) private Str: String; protected procedure AddToList; procedure Execute; override; public LBox: TListBox; end; TForm5 = class(TForm) BtnStart: TButton; ListBox1: TListBox; ListBox2: TListBox; procedure BtnStartClick(Sender: TObject); procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); private Th1, Th2: TListThread; public { Public declarations } end; var Form5: TForm5; Letters: string = 'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA'; Critical1: TCriticalSection; implementation {$R *.DFM} procedure TListThread.AddToList; begin if Assigned (LBox) then LBox.Items.Add (Str); end; procedure TListThread.Execute; var I, J, K: Integer; begin for I := 0 to 50 do begin Critical1.Enter; for J := 1 to 20 do for K := 1 to 2601 do // useless repetition... if Letters [J] < 'Z' then Letters [J] := Succ (Letters [J]) else Letters [J] := 'A'; Str := Letters; Critical1.Leave; Synchronize (AddToList); end; end; procedure TForm5.BtnStartClick(Sender: TObject); begin ListBox1.Clear; ListBox2.Clear; Th1 := TListThread.Create (True); Th2 := TListThread.Create (True); Th1.FreeOnTerminate := True; Th2.FreeOnTerminate := True; Th1.LBox := Listbox1; Th2.LBox := Listbox2; Th1.Resume; Th2.Resume; end; procedure TForm5.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin Critical1 := TCriticalSection.Create; end; procedure TForm5.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); begin Critical1.Free; end; end. SYNCFORM.DFMobject Form1: TForm1 Left = 142 Top = 220 Width = 296 Height = 127 Caption = 'Thread Win32 Synch' Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] PixelsPerInch = 96 TextHeight = 16 object Button1: TButton Left = 12 Top = 12 Width = 125 Height = 30 Caption = 'Plain' TabOrder = 0 OnClick = Button1Click end object Button2: TButton Left = 144 Top = 12 Width = 129 Height = 30 Caption = 'Critical Section (API)' TabOrder = 1 OnClick = Button2Click end object Button3: TButton Left = 12 Top = 53 Width = 125 Height = 30 Caption = 'Mutex (API)' TabOrder = 2 OnClick = Button3Click end object Button4: TButton Left = 144 Top = 52 Width = 129 Height = 30 Caption = 'TCriticalSection' TabOrder = 3 OnClick = Button4Click end end MUTEX.DFMobject Form4: TForm4 Left = 249 Top = 170 Width = 449 Height = 274 Caption = 'Mutex' Color = clBtnFace Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -10 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] OldCreateOrder = True OnCreate = FormCreate OnDestroy = FormDestroy PixelsPerInch = 96 TextHeight = 13 object BtnStart: TButton Left = 7 Top = 7 Width = 60 Height = 20 Caption = 'Start' TabOrder = 0 OnClick = BtnStartClick end object ListBox1: TListBox Left = 7 Top = 32 Width = 210 Height = 211 Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'Courier New' Font.Style = [] ItemHeight = 16 ParentFont = False TabOrder = 1 end object ListBox2: TListBox Left = 222 Top = 32 Width = 211 Height = 211 Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'Courier New' Font.Style = [] ItemHeight = 16 ParentFont = False TabOrder = 2 end end PLAIN.DFMobject Form2: TForm2 Left = 193 Top = 110 Width = 448 Height = 275 Caption = 'Plain' Color = clBtnFace Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -10 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] OldCreateOrder = True PixelsPerInch = 96 TextHeight = 13 object ListBox1: TListBox Left = 7 Top = 30 Width = 210 Height = 211 Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'Courier New' Font.Style = [] ItemHeight = 16 ParentFont = False TabOrder = 0 end object ListBox2: TListBox Left = 222 Top = 30 Width = 211 Height = 211 Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'Courier New' Font.Style = [] ItemHeight = 16 ParentFont = False TabOrder = 1 end object BtnStart: TButton Left = 7 Top = 7 Width = 60 Height = 20 Caption = 'Start' TabOrder = 2 OnClick = BtnStartClick end end CRITSEC.DFMobject Form3: TForm3 Left = 218 Top = 140 Width = 449 Height = 274 Caption = 'Critical Section' Color = clBtnFace Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -10 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] OldCreateOrder = True OnCreate = FormCreate OnDestroy = FormDestroy PixelsPerInch = 96 TextHeight = 13 object BtnStart: TButton Left = 7 Top = 7 Width = 60 Height = 20 Caption = 'Start' TabOrder = 0 OnClick = BtnStartClick end object ListBox1: TListBox Left = 7 Top = 32 Width = 210 Height = 211 Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'Courier New' Font.Style = [] ItemHeight = 16 ParentFont = False TabOrder = 1 end object ListBox2: TListBox Left = 222 Top = 32 Width = 211 Height = 211 Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'Courier New' Font.Style = [] ItemHeight = 16 ParentFont = False TabOrder = 2 end end TCRISECT.DFMobject Form5: TForm5 Left = 229 Top = 147 Width = 448 Height = 274 Caption = 'TCriticalSection' Color = clBtnFace Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] OldCreateOrder = True OnCreate = FormCreate OnDestroy = FormDestroy PixelsPerInch = 96 TextHeight = 13 object BtnStart: TButton Left = 7 Top = 7 Width = 60 Height = 20 Caption = 'Start' TabOrder = 0 OnClick = BtnStartClick end object ListBox1: TListBox Left = 7 Top = 32 Width = 210 Height = 211 Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'Courier New' Font.Style = [] ItemHeight = 16 ParentFont = False TabOrder = 1 end object ListBox2: TListBox Left = 222 Top = 32 Width = 211 Height = 211 Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'Courier New' Font.Style = [] ItemHeight = 16 ParentFont = False TabOrder = 2 end end
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