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Home: Code Repository: Mastering Delphi 5Project XCLOCKLIB
Project StructureXCLOCKLIB.DPRlibrary XClockLib; uses ComServ, XClockLib_TLB in 'XClockLib_TLB.pas', XClockImpl in 'XClockImpl.pas' {XClock: TActiveForm} {XClock: CoClass}; {$E ocx} exports DllGetClassObject, DllCanUnloadNow, DllRegisterServer, DllUnregisterServer; {$R *.TLB} {$R *.RES} begin end. XCLOCKLIB_TLB.PASunit XClockLib_TLB; // ************************************************************************ // // WARNING // ------- // The types declared in this file were generated from data read from a // Type Library. If this type library is explicitly or indirectly (via // another type library referring to this type library) re-imported, or the // 'Refresh' command of the Type Library Editor activated while editing the // Type Library, the contents of this file will be regenerated and all // manual modifications will be lost. // ************************************************************************ // // PASTLWTR : $Revision: 1.79 $ // File generated on 7/23/99 8:06:32 PM from Type Library described below. // ************************************************************************ // // Type Lib: C:\md5code\Part4\15\XClock\XClockLib.tlb (1) // IID\LCID: {5551EB31-0AC6-11D2-B9F1-004845400FAA}\0 // Helpfile: // DepndLst: // (1) v2.0 stdole, (C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\STDOLE2.TLB) // (2) v4.0 StdVCL, (C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\STDVCL40.DLL) // ************************************************************************ // interface uses Windows, ActiveX, Classes, Graphics, OleServer, OleCtrls, StdVCL; // *********************************************************************// // GUIDS declared in the TypeLibrary. Following prefixes are used: // Type Libraries : LIBID_xxxx // CoClasses : CLASS_xxxx // DISPInterfaces : DIID_xxxx // Non-DISP interfaces: IID_xxxx // *********************************************************************// const // TypeLibrary Major and minor versions XClockLibMajorVersion = 1; XClockLibMinorVersion = 0; LIBID_XClockLib: TGUID = '{5551EB31-0AC6-11D2-B9F1-004845400FAA}'; IID_IXClock: TGUID = '{5551EB32-0AC6-11D2-B9F1-004845400FAA}'; DIID_IXClockEvents: TGUID = '{5551EB34-0AC6-11D2-B9F1-004845400FAA}'; CLASS_XClock: TGUID = '{5551EB36-0AC6-11D2-B9F1-004845400FAA}'; // *********************************************************************// // Declaration of Enumerations defined in Type Library // *********************************************************************// // TxActiveFormBorderStyle constants type TxActiveFormBorderStyle = TOleEnum; const afbNone = $00000000; afbSingle = $00000001; afbSunken = $00000002; afbRaised = $00000003; // TxPrintScale constants type TxPrintScale = TOleEnum; const poNone = $00000000; poProportional = $00000001; poPrintToFit = $00000002; // TxMouseButton constants type TxMouseButton = TOleEnum; const mbLeft = $00000000; mbRight = $00000001; mbMiddle = $00000002; // TxBiDiMode constants type TxBiDiMode = TOleEnum; const bdLeftToRight = $00000000; bdRightToLeft = $00000001; bdRightToLeftNoAlign = $00000002; bdRightToLeftReadingOnly = $00000003; type // *********************************************************************// // Forward declaration of types defined in TypeLibrary // *********************************************************************// IXClock = interface; IXClockDisp = dispinterface; IXClockEvents = dispinterface; // *********************************************************************// // Declaration of CoClasses defined in Type Library // (NOTE: Here we map each CoClass to its Default Interface) // *********************************************************************// XClock = IXClock; // *********************************************************************// // Interface: IXClock // Flags: (4416) Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable // GUID: {5551EB32-0AC6-11D2-B9F1-004845400FAA} // *********************************************************************// IXClock = interface(IDispatch) ['{5551EB32-0AC6-11D2-B9F1-004845400FAA}'] function Get_Visible: WordBool; safecall; procedure Set_Visible(Value: WordBool); safecall; function Get_AutoScroll: WordBool; safecall; procedure Set_AutoScroll(Value: WordBool); safecall; function Get_AutoSize: WordBool; safecall; procedure Set_AutoSize(Value: WordBool); safecall; function Get_AxBorderStyle: TxActiveFormBorderStyle; safecall; procedure Set_AxBorderStyle(Value: TxActiveFormBorderStyle); safecall; function Get_Caption: WideString; safecall; procedure Set_Caption(const Value: WideString); safecall; function Get_Color: OLE_COLOR; safecall; procedure Set_Color(Value: OLE_COLOR); safecall; function Get_Font: IFontDisp; safecall; procedure _Set_Font(const Value: IFontDisp); safecall; procedure Set_Font(const Value: IFontDisp); safecall; function Get_KeyPreview: WordBool; safecall; procedure Set_KeyPreview(Value: WordBool); safecall; function Get_PixelsPerInch: Integer; safecall; procedure Set_PixelsPerInch(Value: Integer); safecall; function Get_PrintScale: TxPrintScale; safecall; procedure Set_PrintScale(Value: TxPrintScale); safecall; function Get_Scaled: WordBool; safecall; procedure Set_Scaled(Value: WordBool); safecall; function Get_Active: WordBool; safecall; function Get_DropTarget: WordBool; safecall; procedure Set_DropTarget(Value: WordBool); safecall; function Get_HelpFile: WideString; safecall; procedure Set_HelpFile(const Value: WideString); safecall; function Get_DoubleBuffered: WordBool; safecall; procedure Set_DoubleBuffered(Value: WordBool); safecall; function Get_Enabled: WordBool; safecall; procedure Set_Enabled(Value: WordBool); safecall; function Get_BiDiMode: TxBiDiMode; safecall; procedure Set_BiDiMode(Value: TxBiDiMode); safecall; function Get_Cursor: Smallint; safecall; procedure Set_Cursor(Value: Smallint); safecall; property Visible: WordBool read Get_Visible write Set_Visible; property AutoScroll: WordBool read Get_AutoScroll write Set_AutoScroll; property AutoSize: WordBool read Get_AutoSize write Set_AutoSize; property AxBorderStyle: TxActiveFormBorderStyle read Get_AxBorderStyle write Set_AxBorderStyle; property Caption: WideString read Get_Caption write Set_Caption; property Color: OLE_COLOR read Get_Color write Set_Color; property Font: IFontDisp read Get_Font write _Set_Font; property KeyPreview: WordBool read Get_KeyPreview write Set_KeyPreview; property PixelsPerInch: Integer read Get_PixelsPerInch write Set_PixelsPerInch; property PrintScale: TxPrintScale read Get_PrintScale write Set_PrintScale; property Scaled: WordBool read Get_Scaled write Set_Scaled; property Active: WordBool read Get_Active; property DropTarget: WordBool read Get_DropTarget write Set_DropTarget; property HelpFile: WideString read Get_HelpFile write Set_HelpFile; property DoubleBuffered: WordBool read Get_DoubleBuffered write Set_DoubleBuffered; property Enabled: WordBool read Get_Enabled write Set_Enabled; property BiDiMode: TxBiDiMode read Get_BiDiMode write Set_BiDiMode; property Cursor: Smallint read Get_Cursor write Set_Cursor; end; // *********************************************************************// // DispIntf: IXClockDisp // Flags: (4416) Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable // GUID: {5551EB32-0AC6-11D2-B9F1-004845400FAA} // *********************************************************************// IXClockDisp = dispinterface ['{5551EB32-0AC6-11D2-B9F1-004845400FAA}'] property Visible: WordBool dispid 1; property AutoScroll: WordBool dispid 2; property AutoSize: WordBool dispid 3; property AxBorderStyle: TxActiveFormBorderStyle dispid 4; property Caption: WideString dispid -518; property Color: OLE_COLOR dispid -501; property Font: IFontDisp dispid -512; property KeyPreview: WordBool dispid 5; property PixelsPerInch: Integer dispid 6; property PrintScale: TxPrintScale dispid 7; property Scaled: WordBool dispid 8; property Active: WordBool readonly dispid 9; property DropTarget: WordBool dispid 10; property HelpFile: WideString dispid 11; property DoubleBuffered: WordBool dispid 12; property Enabled: WordBool dispid -514; property BiDiMode: TxBiDiMode dispid 13; property Cursor: Smallint dispid 14; end; // *********************************************************************// // DispIntf: IXClockEvents // Flags: (4096) Dispatchable // GUID: {5551EB34-0AC6-11D2-B9F1-004845400FAA} // *********************************************************************// IXClockEvents = dispinterface ['{5551EB34-0AC6-11D2-B9F1-004845400FAA}'] procedure OnActivate; dispid 1; procedure OnClick; dispid 2; procedure OnCreate; dispid 3; procedure OnDblClick; dispid 4; procedure OnDestroy; dispid 5; procedure OnDeactivate; dispid 6; procedure OnKeyPress(var Key: Smallint); dispid 10; procedure OnPaint; dispid 15; end; // *********************************************************************// // OLE Control Proxy class declaration // Control Name : TXClock // Help String : XClock Control // Default Interface: IXClock // Def. Intf. DISP? : No // Event Interface: IXClockEvents // TypeFlags : (34) CanCreate Control // *********************************************************************// TXClockOnKeyPress = procedure(Sender: TObject; var Key: Smallint) of object; TXClock = class(TOleControl) private FOnActivate: TNotifyEvent; FOnClick: TNotifyEvent; FOnCreate: TNotifyEvent; FOnDblClick: TNotifyEvent; FOnDestroy: TNotifyEvent; FOnDeactivate: TNotifyEvent; FOnKeyPress: TXClockOnKeyPress; FOnPaint: TNotifyEvent; FIntf: IXClock; function GetControlInterface: IXClock; protected procedure CreateControl; procedure InitControlData; override; public property ControlInterface: IXClock read GetControlInterface; property DefaultInterface: IXClock read GetControlInterface; property Visible: WordBool index 1 read GetWordBoolProp write SetWordBoolProp; property Active: WordBool index 9 read GetWordBoolProp; property DropTarget: WordBool index 10 read GetWordBoolProp write SetWordBoolProp; property HelpFile: WideString index 11 read GetWideStringProp write SetWideStringProp; property DoubleBuffered: WordBool index 12 read GetWordBoolProp write SetWordBoolProp; property Enabled: WordBool index -514 read GetWordBoolProp write SetWordBoolProp; property BiDiMode: TOleEnum index 13 read GetTOleEnumProp write SetTOleEnumProp; published property ParentColor; property ParentFont; property Align; property DragCursor; property DragMode; property ParentShowHint; property PopupMenu; property ShowHint; property TabOrder; property OnDragDrop; property OnDragOver; property OnEndDrag; property OnEnter; property OnExit; property OnStartDrag; property AutoScroll: WordBool index 2 read GetWordBoolProp write SetWordBoolProp stored False; property AutoSize: WordBool index 3 read GetWordBoolProp write SetWordBoolProp stored False; property AxBorderStyle: TOleEnum index 4 read GetTOleEnumProp write SetTOleEnumProp stored False; property Caption: WideString index -518 read GetWideStringProp write SetWideStringProp stored False; property Color: TColor index -501 read GetTColorProp write SetTColorProp stored False; property Font: TFont index -512 read GetTFontProp write SetTFontProp stored False; property KeyPreview: WordBool index 5 read GetWordBoolProp write SetWordBoolProp stored False; property PixelsPerInch: Integer index 6 read GetIntegerProp write SetIntegerProp stored False; property PrintScale: TOleEnum index 7 read GetTOleEnumProp write SetTOleEnumProp stored False; property Scaled: WordBool index 8 read GetWordBoolProp write SetWordBoolProp stored False; property Cursor: Smallint index 14 read GetSmallintProp write SetSmallintProp stored False; property OnActivate: TNotifyEvent read FOnActivate write FOnActivate; property OnClick: TNotifyEvent read FOnClick write FOnClick; property OnCreate: TNotifyEvent read FOnCreate write FOnCreate; property OnDblClick: TNotifyEvent read FOnDblClick write FOnDblClick; property OnDestroy: TNotifyEvent read FOnDestroy write FOnDestroy; property OnDeactivate: TNotifyEvent read FOnDeactivate write FOnDeactivate; property OnKeyPress: TXClockOnKeyPress read FOnKeyPress write FOnKeyPress; property OnPaint: TNotifyEvent read FOnPaint write FOnPaint; end; procedure Register; implementation uses ComObj; procedure TXClock.InitControlData; const CEventDispIDs: array [0..7] of DWORD = ( $00000001, $00000002, $00000003, $00000004, $00000005, $00000006, $0000000A, $0000000F); CTFontIDs: array [0..0] of DWORD = ( $FFFFFE00); CControlData: TControlData2 = ( ClassID: '{5551EB36-0AC6-11D2-B9F1-004845400FAA}'; EventIID: '{5551EB34-0AC6-11D2-B9F1-004845400FAA}'; EventCount: 8; EventDispIDs: @CEventDispIDs; LicenseKey: nil (*HR:$00000000*); Flags: $0000001D; Version: 401; FontCount: 1; FontIDs: @CTFontIDs); begin ControlData := @CControlData; TControlData2(CControlData).FirstEventOfs := Cardinal(@@FOnActivate) - Cardinal(Self); end; procedure TXClock.CreateControl; procedure DoCreate; begin FIntf := IUnknown(OleObject) as IXClock; end; begin if FIntf = nil then DoCreate; end; function TXClock.GetControlInterface: IXClock; begin CreateControl; Result := FIntf; end; procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('ActiveX',[TXClock]); end; end. XCLOCKIMPL.PASunit XClockImpl; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, ActiveX, AxCtrls, XClockLib_TLB, ExtCtrls, StdCtrls, Stdvcl; type TXClock = class(TActiveForm, IXClock) Label1: TLabel; Timer1: TTimer; procedure Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } FEvents: IXClockEvents; procedure ActivateEvent(Sender: TObject); procedure ClickEvent(Sender: TObject); procedure CreateEvent(Sender: TObject); procedure DblClickEvent(Sender: TObject); procedure DeactivateEvent(Sender: TObject); procedure DestroyEvent(Sender: TObject); procedure KeyPressEvent(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char); procedure PaintEvent(Sender: TObject); protected { Protected declarations } procedure DefinePropertyPages(DefinePropertyPage: TDefinePropertyPage); override; procedure EventSinkChanged(const EventSink: IUnknown); override; function Get_Active: WordBool; safecall; function Get_AutoScroll: WordBool; safecall; function Get_AutoSize: WordBool; safecall; function Get_AxBorderStyle: TxActiveFormBorderStyle; safecall; function Get_BiDiMode: TxBiDiMode; safecall; function Get_Caption: WideString; safecall; function Get_Color: OLE_COLOR; safecall; function Get_Cursor: Smallint; safecall; function Get_DoubleBuffered: WordBool; safecall; function Get_DropTarget: WordBool; safecall; function Get_Enabled: WordBool; safecall; function Get_Font: IFontDisp; safecall; function Get_HelpFile: WideString; safecall; function Get_KeyPreview: WordBool; safecall; function Get_PixelsPerInch: Integer; safecall; function Get_PrintScale: TxPrintScale; safecall; function Get_Scaled: WordBool; safecall; function Get_Visible: WordBool; safecall; procedure _Set_Font(const Value: IFontDisp); safecall; procedure Set_AutoScroll(Value: WordBool); safecall; procedure Set_AutoSize(Value: WordBool); safecall; procedure Set_AxBorderStyle(Value: TxActiveFormBorderStyle); safecall; procedure Set_BiDiMode(Value: TxBiDiMode); safecall; procedure Set_Caption(const Value: WideString); safecall; procedure Set_Color(Value: OLE_COLOR); safecall; procedure Set_Cursor(Value: Smallint); safecall; procedure Set_DoubleBuffered(Value: WordBool); safecall; procedure Set_DropTarget(Value: WordBool); safecall; procedure Set_Enabled(Value: WordBool); safecall; procedure Set_Font(const Value: IFontDisp); safecall; procedure Set_HelpFile(const Value: WideString); safecall; procedure Set_KeyPreview(Value: WordBool); safecall; procedure Set_PixelsPerInch(Value: Integer); safecall; procedure Set_PrintScale(Value: TxPrintScale); safecall; procedure Set_Scaled(Value: WordBool); safecall; procedure Set_Visible(Value: WordBool); safecall; public { Public declarations } procedure Initialize; override; end; implementation uses ComObj, ComServ; {$R *.DFM} { TXClock } procedure TXClock.DefinePropertyPages(DefinePropertyPage: TDefinePropertyPage); begin { Define property pages here. Property pages are defined by calling DefinePropertyPage with the class id of the page. For example, DefinePropertyPage(Class_XClockPage); } end; procedure TXClock.EventSinkChanged(const EventSink: IUnknown); begin FEvents := EventSink as IXClockEvents; end; procedure TXClock.Initialize; begin inherited Initialize; OnActivate := ActivateEvent; OnClick := ClickEvent; OnCreate := CreateEvent; OnDblClick := DblClickEvent; OnDeactivate := DeactivateEvent; OnDestroy := DestroyEvent; OnKeyPress := KeyPressEvent; OnPaint := PaintEvent; end; function TXClock.Get_Active: WordBool; begin Result := Active; end; function TXClock.Get_AutoScroll: WordBool; begin Result := AutoScroll; end; function TXClock.Get_AutoSize: WordBool; begin Result := AutoSize; end; function TXClock.Get_AxBorderStyle: TxActiveFormBorderStyle; begin Result := Ord(AxBorderStyle); end; function TXClock.Get_BiDiMode: TxBiDiMode; begin Result := Ord(BiDiMode); end; function TXClock.Get_Caption: WideString; begin Result := WideString(Caption); end; function TXClock.Get_Color: OLE_COLOR; begin Result := OLE_COLOR(Color); end; function TXClock.Get_Cursor: Smallint; begin Result := Smallint(Cursor); end; function TXClock.Get_DoubleBuffered: WordBool; begin Result := DoubleBuffered; end; function TXClock.Get_DropTarget: WordBool; begin Result := DropTarget; end; function TXClock.Get_Enabled: WordBool; begin Result := Enabled; end; function TXClock.Get_Font: IFontDisp; begin GetOleFont(Font, Result); end; function TXClock.Get_HelpFile: WideString; begin Result := WideString(HelpFile); end; function TXClock.Get_KeyPreview: WordBool; begin Result := KeyPreview; end; function TXClock.Get_PixelsPerInch: Integer; begin Result := PixelsPerInch; end; function TXClock.Get_PrintScale: TxPrintScale; begin Result := Ord(PrintScale); end; function TXClock.Get_Scaled: WordBool; begin Result := Scaled; end; function TXClock.Get_Visible: WordBool; begin Result := Visible; end; procedure TXClock._Set_Font(const Value: IFontDisp); begin SetOleFont(Font, Value); end; procedure TXClock.Set_AutoScroll(Value: WordBool); begin AutoScroll := Value; end; procedure TXClock.Set_AutoSize(Value: WordBool); begin AutoSize := Value; end; procedure TXClock.Set_AxBorderStyle(Value: TxActiveFormBorderStyle); begin AxBorderStyle := TActiveFormBorderStyle(Value); end; procedure TXClock.Set_BiDiMode(Value: TxBiDiMode); begin BiDiMode := TBiDiMode(Value); end; procedure TXClock.Set_Caption(const Value: WideString); begin Caption := TCaption(Value); end; procedure TXClock.Set_Color(Value: OLE_COLOR); begin Color := TColor(Value); end; procedure TXClock.Set_Cursor(Value: Smallint); begin Cursor := TCursor(Value); end; procedure TXClock.Set_DoubleBuffered(Value: WordBool); begin DoubleBuffered := Value; end; procedure TXClock.Set_DropTarget(Value: WordBool); begin DropTarget := Value; end; procedure TXClock.Set_Enabled(Value: WordBool); begin Enabled := Value; end; procedure TXClock.Set_Font(const Value: IFontDisp); begin SetOleFont(Font, Value); end; procedure TXClock.Set_HelpFile(const Value: WideString); begin HelpFile := String(Value); end; procedure TXClock.Set_KeyPreview(Value: WordBool); begin KeyPreview := Value; end; procedure TXClock.Set_PixelsPerInch(Value: Integer); begin PixelsPerInch := Value; end; procedure TXClock.Set_PrintScale(Value: TxPrintScale); begin PrintScale := TPrintScale(Value); end; procedure TXClock.Set_Scaled(Value: WordBool); begin Scaled := Value; end; procedure TXClock.Set_Visible(Value: WordBool); begin Visible := Value; end; procedure TXClock.ActivateEvent(Sender: TObject); begin if FEvents <> nil then FEvents.OnActivate; end; procedure TXClock.ClickEvent(Sender: TObject); begin if FEvents <> nil then FEvents.OnClick; end; procedure TXClock.CreateEvent(Sender: TObject); begin if FEvents <> nil then FEvents.OnCreate; end; procedure TXClock.DblClickEvent(Sender: TObject); begin if FEvents <> nil then FEvents.OnDblClick; end; procedure TXClock.DeactivateEvent(Sender: TObject); begin if FEvents <> nil then FEvents.OnDeactivate; end; procedure TXClock.DestroyEvent(Sender: TObject); begin if FEvents <> nil then FEvents.OnDestroy; end; procedure TXClock.KeyPressEvent(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char); var TempKey: Smallint; begin TempKey := Smallint(Key); if FEvents <> nil then FEvents.OnKeyPress(TempKey); Key := Char(TempKey); end; procedure TXClock.PaintEvent(Sender: TObject); begin if FEvents <> nil then FEvents.OnPaint; end; procedure TXClock.Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject); begin Label1.Caption := TimeToStr (Time); end; initialization TActiveFormFactory.Create( ComServer, TActiveFormControl, TXClock, Class_XClock, 1, '', OLEMISC_SIMPLEFRAME or OLEMISC_ACTSLIKELABEL, tmApartment); end. XCLOCKIMPL.DFMobject XClock: TXClock Left = 192 Top = 107 Width = 371 Height = 179 AxBorderStyle = afbSunken Caption = 'XClock' Color = clBtnFace Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] OldCreateOrder = False PixelsPerInch = 96 TextHeight = 13 object Label1: TLabel Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 363 Height = 152 Align = alClient Alignment = taCenter Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -27 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [fsBold] ParentFont = False Layout = tlCenter end object Timer1: TTimer OnTimer = Timer1Timer Left = 24 Top = 24 end end
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