Chapter 1: The Delphi 4 Integrated Development Environment
Chapter 2: Delphi 4 and Advanced Pascal
- Project: CALLBACK: Windows callback functions
- Project: DYNARR: Delphi 4 Dynamic arrays
- Project: FMTTEST: Format function test
- Project: LONGSTR: Long Strings
- Project: OPENARR: Open Array Parameters
- Project: OVERDEF: Overloading and default parameters (Delphi 4)
- Project: PROCTYPE: Procedural types
- Project: STRPARAM: Command line parameters
- Project: STRREF: Long string references
- Project: VARITEST: Variants test
- Project: VSPEED: Variants (slow) speed
- Project: WHANDLE: Windows handles
Chapter 3: Object-Oriented Programming in Delphi
- Project: ANIMALS1: Simple hiehrarchy
- Project: ANIMALS2: Virtual methods
- Project: ANIMALS3: Virtual abstract methods
- Project: CREATEC: Create components at runtime
- Project: EXCEPT: Exceptions
- Project: EXCEPT2: Exceptions (raising)
- Project: EXCEPT3: Exceptions (finally)
- Project: MULTINH: Multiple inheritance through interfaces
- Project: POLIFORM: Polimorphism among forms (with visual form inheritance)
- Project: REINTR: Reintroduce keyword (Delphi 4)
- Project: VFI: Visual form inheritance
- Project: VIEWDATE: Simple class
- Project: VIEWD2: Class plus derived class
Chapter 4: VCL Programming Techniques
All the source code in the linked files is copyright Marco Cantù 1998. The description of the rationale and of the details of these examples can be found in the book Mastering Delphi 4.