
Mastering Delphi 7

Updates and Corrections

Last Udpated on October 17th, 2003

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 11

Regarding ModelMaker (the tool this chapter is focused onto) it is relevant to notice that Borland has recently acquired (or merged with) Together Soft, makers of a powerful UML design sytem based on what is called "LiveCode"(TM) technology. With this technology there is no separation among the model and the source code, but the source provides the only physical representation of the model. This way the two are always in sync. If Together Soft products are very interesting and powerful and have a long history of quality (I witnessed one of their first presentations to Borland in 1994, if I'm not wrong!), they are available for C++, Java and now C#.

It is certainly possible that future offerings will include support for the Delphi language, which will certainly diminish the role of ModelMaker (at least for Borland, if not for the current and future ModelMaker users). If ModelMaker is not as powerful, certainly the price tag it carries is more limited (at least this happened in the past) making it a good alternative for programmers on a tighter budget. As I'm not an expert on either products, it might as well be that ModelMaker has features that Together products lack, but I have to say that for what I've seen I prefer the code-centric approach Together has pushed over the years.

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

  • Page 687 and following: The rde paragraph of this page properly states that the 2 virtual abstract methods of Delphi 5's TDataSet are not down to only 5. In the following text, however, some of the virtual methods are still mentioned as if they were virtual abstract.
  • Page 702: The GetFieldData and SetFieldData methods are called twice GetData and SetData.
  • Page 710: The last paragraph starts with "The class is used by the InternalInitFieldDefs method..." The class in question is the one "stored in the ObjClass property", as the previous paragraph states. The distance among the two make the text hard to follow.
  • Chapter 18

  • Page 715: The chapter's introduction mentions "Microsoft�s Word to Sun�s OpenOffice". Actually, the latter product is called either Sun's StarOffice or The second is the totally free (and open source) version of the same core product. As an additio, I have to say I've kept using more and more and written progrmas to interact with it and to work on its file format, and I have to say I'm more and more pleased by this tool.
  • Page 724: In the section "The FontMaster Component", the first paragraph ends by saying "You have to keep track of which fonts must be the same typeface, size, and style, ..." which should have been "You have to keep track of which objects must have the same font typeface, size, and style, ..."
  • Page 731: The Warning note mentions that the wizard for master/detail reports didn't work in the shipping version of Delphi 7. Subsequent updates of Rave fixed the issue.
  • Page 732: The description of the scripting example sugests to add "two different FontManager components to the report page". The component I was referring to is actually called FontMaster.
  • Chapter 19

    Chapter 20

    IntraWeb has seen a large number of changes from version 5.0 (discussed in the book) to version 5.1 (a free download for registered Delphi 7 users). This change have made impossible to compile the book examples as they are, and involved some of the class, properties and method names covered in the text. This makes the book from from updated, although all of the core concept are still the same and the chapter still provides a very good introduction to IntraWeb.

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