| Mastering Delphi 7
Commented Table of Contents |
PART I: Foundations
- 1: Delphi 7 and its IDE
An updated overiview of Delphi's IDE,
covering many tips and tricks (not an introductory tutorial: you can find one in
my Essential Delphi online book)
- 2: The Delphi Programming Language
All you need to know about the
OOP features of the Delphi language to program effectively. Coverage is similar
to past edition, only more condensed.
- 3: The Run Time Library
Updated coverage of RTL functions,
including a few nice additions to Delphi 7, like PosEx.
- 4: Core Library Classes
Updated coverage of the core VCL library,
from TComponent to other TPersistent-derived classes. A brand new section covers
Delphi 7 compression streams.
- 5: Visual Controls
A comparative introduction to the VCL and CLX
visual libraries. There isn't a lot of new material in this area...
- 6: Building the User Interface
Although there isn't much new in
Delphi 7 to cover, I've reworked this section improving many examples and
underlining the user of the ActionsList and Actionmanager components even more
than in past editions.
- 7: Working with Forms
Forms, dialog boxes, and the like, plus a
lot of managing objects in memory, but not much new compared to Mastering Delphi
Part II: Delphi Object-Oriented Architectures
- 8: The Architecture of Delphi Applications
From the Application
and Screen objects to the use of VFI, frames, and MDI.
- 9: Writing Delphi Components.
A core chapter, with lots of material, even
if little is new.
- 10: Libraries and Packages
DLLs but even more packages, including
the development of dynamic applications based on packages, as in Mastering
Delphi 6.
- 11: Modeling and OOP programming (with Model Maker)
A totally
brand new chapter, of course.
- 12: From COM to COM+
Condensed coverage of COM, including some new
material on .NET interoperability.
Part III: Delphi Database-Oriented Architectures
- 13: Delphi�s Database Architecture
Although Delphi's database foundations
haven't changed much, this has been completely rewritten to be based on the
ClientDataSet rather than on BDE and Paradox tables.
- 14: Client/Server with dbExpress
As the title implies, BDE has
been totally shifted out from this chapter covering client/server development.
There is also some coverage of IBX and an introduction to InterBase.
- 15: Working with ADO
A limited update to an a solid chapter
introducing dbGo and related topics.
- 16: Multi-Tier DataSnap Applications
Formerly called MIDAS, the
most relevant new feature of DataSnap in Delphi 7 is that there is no more a
deployment fee, but the technical information hasn't changed much.
- 17: Writing Database Components
Expanded from Mastering Delphi 6,
in which this material was introduced this chapter accountrs for a detailed
coverage of data-aware and cusotm dataset components. I've added an introduction
to an object-based dataset towards the end of the chapter.
- 18: Printing and Reporting (with Rave)
Another brand new chatper,
providing an introduction to reporting with Rave.
Part IV: Delphi and the Internet
- 19: Internet Programming: Sockets and Indy
This chapter has been
largely rewritten to use Indy sockets components instead of Borland native ones, as in
previous editions. Many examples have been extended.
- 20: Web Programming with WebBroker and WebSnap
a core chapter in
which I tracked a few changes in the WebBroker and WebSnap technologies, but
nothing radical compared to the last edition.
- 21: Web Programming with IntraWeb
This is the third brand new
cahpter of the book, providing a solid introduction to the IntraWeb technology
that ships with Delphi 7. It was written with some help by Chad Hower.
- 22: XML and XSLT
An expanded chapter on a key technology. The
material has been largely extended, and the entire XML coverage now spans two
- 23: Web Services and SOAP
A spin of the XMl chapter of Mastering
Delphi 6, the chapter on SOAP sees many relevant udpates, new examples, and
soverage of the many new features of Delphi 7, including even a simple UDDI
Part V: The Delphi for .NET Preview
- 24: The Microsoft .NET Architecture from the Delphi Perspective
This is of course another brand new chapters introducing .NET for those who
still haven't had a serious look to the new Microsoft architecture and
presenting some introductory examples.
- 25: Delphi for .NET Preview: The Language and the RTL
From the
language to the RTL and VCL many things are going to chagne in Delphi for .NET,
and this is an introduction covering the November 2002 update provided by
Borland. There is also an introduction to ASP.NET using the Delphi language.
- Appendix A: Extra Delphi Tools by the Author
A few pages to
summarize where to find tools discussed int he book (all freely available,
mostly with source code)
- Appendix B: Extra Delphi Tools from other Sources
Just a few
poitners to web apges and tools.
- Appendix C: Free companion books on Delphi
A list of the material
from me you can find online, again for free, complementing the book (seom
introductory material but also some other advanced chapters on graphics,
debugging, and more).