Over the last years I've done some successful presentations at the Borland Conference (repeated also in other locations) covering the general topic of having fun with Delphi. I had to provide papers for the conference, so here they are. However reading the papers is not as amusing as attending the presentations.
I've also all of the examples you can download from this site. I'll add a description so that you can realize how they work a little better than from the papers. (Some of the examples are not described in the papers.)
If you have idea or examples to submit I'll be more than happy to host them on my web site as well, in the More Goodies section.
This is the source code for the CodeRage 2007 online conference edition (March 2007):
FunSideCodeRage.zip (88 KB).
At the 11th Borland Conference I've presented the paper: "The Fun Side of Delphi: Episode 1". You can download my slides and the examples. Beside my own code I've discussed some other programs, listed here: