December 11, 2001: The complete source code of Mastering Delphi 3 is now available for download, see Md3 page for details (you might wonder why: the reason is that the code was on CD and many readers have lost it or never got one with their books, but I only got permissions for this download after the book was declared "out of print" by my publisher)
December 11: Borland has released Kylix 2 and I'm pleased to announce I'm "porting" my Mastering Delphi book to Kylix 2 (it won't be a brand new book, but there will be specific Linux and Kylix content). Borland has also announced a new version of InterBase (6.5), mostly killing its Open Source effort, as it seems that all new features will show up only on the closed-source version. Meanwhile FireBird is doing some progress...
November 21: The Brazilian version for Mastering Delphi 6 (Dominando o Delphi 6 - A Bíblia) was just released. You can find it online at I've used to occasion also to update the list of translations of my books, where quite I knew of a few were still missing.
November 16: Marco has published a paper extending the coverage of WebSnap available in Mastering Delphi 6. In this paper, Generating HTML in a WebSnap Application, I track a few problems in customizing the HTML output of the adapter producers (in the WebForm.pas unit), discuss the development of custom WebSnap HTML-producer components of various types, and finally shortly explore the custom adapters available in the XmlBuilder demo. A very interesting reading for WebSnap users (and sorry Borland if I point out so many problems!).
November 15: I've added to my links sections references to new sites, including, a portal for webmasters and programmers [delphi, c++, vb, pascal], has a little bit of everything including some nice Delphi articles, and has open source projects, DIB components by Peter Morris, FastStrings, etc.
October 17: I've uploaded an updated list of corrections for Mastering Delphi 6... more will be coming in the future months. Let me know if you have other issues. There might be a couple related with the SOAP examples, caused by the Delphi update. I'm still investigating.
October 8: Just letting everyone know I'm doing fine... because a person with my same name was in a plane crashed to day in Milan, and a few people are calling asking for news.
September 27: I've just noticed that "Chapter 13: Delphi's Database Architecture" of Mastering Delphi 6 is available for free download on Sybex web site
. Notice, however, that the errata on that site is far from complete (in fact, it is still empty).September 26: Borland has released an update for Delphi 6, but it has already "recalled it" as you can see on the community site. The suggestion is to wait. For the download see the Delphi devsupport page.
September 5, 2001: I've just got back from 3 weeks of vacation. I've seen that Amazon's rank of Mastering Delphi 6 is pretty good... so I jumped writing a list of corrections for readers. Let me know if you have bumped into other problems.
August 9, 2001: Google site search added to See bottom of this page for searches (a proper page will provided soon).
August 2, 2001: Mastering Delphi 6 is shipping! You can order it online through my site from fatbrain but also on amazon, now. Check the md6 section of the site for more details on the book, browsing the source code online or downloading it.
August 1, 2001: I've uploaded close to 200 pictures taken at the Borland Conference in Long Beach last week. They include most of the conference events and many key Delphi people.
July 10, 2001: You can have an advance look at Mastering Delphi 6, including its table of contents and the source code of hundreds of book examples. You can also (of course) pre-order the book online: it should be in your hands at the end of the month.
June 25, 2001: Mastering Delphi 6 is almost ready for the printers. The book is expected to be on the shelves (including the virtual shelves) for the last week of July. You can already pre-order it online at various sources, including the online bookstore I'm affiliated with, FatBrain, following this link.
June 22, 2001: I'm home from a very nice conference in England, DCon 2001 (well-organized by the BUG-UK user group and The Delphi Magazine). See a lot of pictures of DCon 2001 I've taken (sorry for the "heavy" pages).
May 17, 2001: Marco has arranged with Andrew Wozniewicz a 2-days advanced class about "Delphi OOP Architectures", to be held in Long Beach, CA, right after the Borland Conference. This is a one-time only opportunity to learn how to use Delphi in a really object-oriented way to build large applications.
May 8, 2001: Borland has announced Delphi 6. In case you are wondering, yes, I'm writing a book about it, which will be titled (surprisingly enough!), Mastering Delphi 6, and will be published by Sybex.
May 2, 2001: Marco has opened a Web/Newsgroup gateway to read the messages of his newsgroup using a browser, hosted on an Italian Web Site he runs. You can access to to it following the link above, and choosing the "English Area" section, the only in English. For the moment, there is no permission to post messages over the Web, but this will follow soon.
April 6, 2001: I've opened a Kylix section of the site and I've posted into it an article regarding the configuration for compiling Apache with DSO support, using the latest version (instructions in Kylix documentation refer to older versions of Apache). Hope to post lots of new stuff in the coming week, as I've given a 3-days Kylix seminar this week and I have lots of nice examples and material I can share. Of course, if you are interested in a similar class let me know.
April 6, 2001: I know I should have spent more time updating this site, and also the home page (as I did change things behind the scenes...). The fact is I decided to redo it entirely... and delayed everything as time-consuming... Anyway, now things are starting to move again, with Kylix material creeping up, and articles, and more. Also, there is an experimental gateway for my newsgroup available at It is part of an Italian Delphi site I run, but you can probably figure out how it works anyway. Posting replies is limited to Italian people subscribed to the Delphi&Dintorni Online site, but I'll soon make this feature available to all of you... By the way, the gateay was written in Delphi with Indy.
March 30, 2001: The Borland Community web site has just published a white paper on Delphi 5 Internet programming I wrote for them some time ago. Follow the direct link to the article, which simply refers you to the PDF white paper.
January 10, 2001: If you are using InterBase check out the secury patch. See the Borland version and the IBPhoenix version of the story, and decide for yourself which of the two patches to download.