December 30th 2003: once again I'm having both DNS and mail troubles. If your email bounces back, please resend it within a few days or try my Italian (.it) mail address instead of the .com one (the rest is the same, see my mail page for more info).
December 30th: I've introduced a section on my site related to books I'm currently reading, both in the computer/technical area and in non technical areas (fiction and non-fiction). If a book is there it means I'm enjoying it.
December 11th: Jacopo Cantù is born today. Mother and child are fine. Daddy is very happy.
December 5th: Finally, I've had time to upload my Borland Conference pictures, about 90 (low-resolution, sorry). You can view the list here.
December 5th: Sorry I haven't been active on the site a lot. I've been working heavily on the newsgroup front end site, and on figuring out where Delphi is going...
October 15th: I'm doing a revision of Mastering Delphi 7, and have uploaded more corrections and fixes today. The last three chapters are still missing... stay tuned.
October 8th: I'm doing a revision of Mastering Delphi 7, and have already uploaded some corrections and fixes. More will follow in the coming days (or weeks).
September 2nd, 2003: I've added references to new translations of Mastering Delphi 7 on my site, including AFAIK Italian, Polish, Serbian, Portuguese, and Spanish languages (some editions are available and some are under way). Let me know if you know of other translations around the world.
September 1st: I'm about to launch a new site for newsgroup "threaded navigation and interaction", on The first section I've activated is devoted to Delphi. If you did create on account on the former (still available but in Italian) you can use the same account for logging on the new site.
July 17th: Mastering Delphi 7 wins Delphi Informant's 2003 Reader's Choice Award in the "books" category, as you can read online at 2003/09/di200309jc_o/di200309jc_o.asp. This is the fourth time a Mastering Delphi book wins this prize; thanks to whose who voted the book. And if you still haven't got Mastering Delphi 7, check my online bookstore.
July 14th: An interview of Clay Shannon with me has been published on the Borland Developer Network web site, at the URL,1410,30052,00.html. I've started a thread on it in the non-tech area of my site, in case you have any feedback.
July 13th: The DNS issues below are settling. Things should be back to normal. Let me know if you still experience problems connecting with my website, newsgroup, email....
July 1st: We are experiencing a severe DNS problem, so this site can currently (and hopefully for a few hours) be seen only at its physical address,
June 27th: Alan C. Moore reviews Mastering Delphi 7 for Delphi Informant magazine, you can read the review online on
June 26th: I've been told mastering Delphi is being translated in Spanish (after Italian, Brazilian Portuguese, Polish...).
June 26th: I've updated my "bookstore" using Amazon Web Services. See the page on ( I'm still having troubles with automatic updates...)
June 26th: Sorry I haven't updated the web site in a while, but was quite busy setting up a Delphi event in Italy and putting together the new newsgroup front end web site, on
May 20th: Borland is soon going to release a new development environment for Microsoft's .Net platform. Called C#Builder, the new IDE is mainly for the C# language, but the same IDE will in the future host Delphi for .Net.
April 11th: I'm opening a new web site to be used as a web front end for browsing Delphi newsgroups. A working preview is available at the URL You can browse most Borland newsgroups and my own ones and also post messages after you sign up to the site.
March 27th: I've uploaded some more material as part of Essential Delphi (although as separate downloads) and as part of the Delphi Power Book. Nothing really new, as they were in the Mastering Delphi 6 CD, but at last they are now freely available.
March 14th: I've posted an updated version of Essential Pascal in PDF format (reformatting it from HTML into a word processor was actually one of the mayor changes). The work is still under progress, but version 2.01 is available. The downlaod file is available to all but I'm asking a donation if you think your job will profit by reading this book.
March 14th:: I've posted on my site the final version of the source code of Mastering Delphi 7, including the configuration files for an automatic command line build using want. The source code file includes also the source of some of my tools, including the Object Debugger (released under LGPL license). A separate download of this tool will be available in the future. I've also updated the cantool wizards for Delphi 7.
March 6th: Mastering Delphi 7 is shipping and Amazon sells it with 30% off!
The book has no CD-ROM, the source code is available on this web site and on
Sybex's one. Beside source code, the md7
section of this site has a detailed table of contents and more information.
I'll soon make available more information related to the
recent Delphi 7 updates Borland is shipping (the book covers the November 2002
Delphi for .NET preview update).
February 12th 2003: Mastering Delphi 7 will be available within a few days on Amazon and actual bookstores. The book covers the new features of Delphi 7 but also expands coverage of features already available in the past. Some older material has been dropped (like the BDE coverage, for example). YOu can read a detailed table of contents and more information in the md7 section of this site. In a few days I'll make the source code available as well.