December 8th: Although not strictly related with Delphi, the acquisition of Rational Software by I.B.M. changes the landscape of software development in a big way. Microsoft looses a strong ally, and Borland finds itself as one of the very few remaining independent software development companies, if not the last!
December 5th: You can now submit your Delphi links directly to this site, in the User's Links page.
October 23rd: The Delphi 7 version of CanTools Wizards is available for download in CanTools section of the site.
October 1st: I'm finishing to write Mastering Delphi 7, the book should be out in January/February.
August, 18th: Borland has announced the forthcoming release of Delphi 7 and of Kylix 3. Delphi 7 is an important step towards the future Delphi for .NET. I'm writing a Mastering Delphi 7, but it won't be released soon, as my plan is to cover all of the features and third-party products in Delphi 7, and this takes some time to be done with care.
August 8th, 2002: This site has been moved to a Linux server, which causes a few problems here and there with case inconsistencies. If you cannot find a link try uppercase or lowercase the first letter, or email me with the problem...
June 13: I've finally had time to put together all of the my Borland Conference Pictures. BTW, I'm just back from DCON 2002 (Delphi Conference 2002), which was a very good conference as usual.
May 28: Back from the Borland Conference 2002, I have not been able to load my picture yet (come back in a few days time) but at least you can download the examples covered in my presentations in my BorCon 2002 page.
May 28: If you live in Italy or nearby, come to the seminars I'm hosting next week in my office: Chad Hower on Indy and IntraWeb and Jesper Hogstrom on Bold for Delphi.
May 27th: Mastering Delphi 6 has won Delphi Informant's Reader's Choice Award as best book of 2001. Thanks a lot to all who voted. This is the third award of this type that my Mastering Delphi series has won, which is definitely a good success.
May 10: Sybex has just released Mastering Kylix 2, the book I've written with the help of my friend Uberto Barbini. This book is the Linux "transposition" of Mastering Delphi 6. Most of the contents is similar to the Windows version of the book, but there are a few brand new specific chapters. I'll make the Table of Contents available on this site ASAP. For now see the descriptions on Amazon's site, where you can also buy the book online (right now with 30% off).
April 9: A first chapter on debugging of an ebook/book tentatively titled Marco Cantù's Delphi Power Book has been made available today (in PDF format).
April 5: At the Borland US conference I'm scheduled to give 4 different talks on WebSnap, XML and Database, XSLT, UDDI and ebXML. See my page on the conference site for more details. If you want to hear more on XML from me, keep in mind my post-conference tutorial.
April 2: Read an interview with Marco published by the Swiss Delphi Center.
March 28: The Indonesian translation of Essential Pascal is under way. You can find the current progress at Also, an update of the Japanese version is under way.
March 25: Want to see a nice web site for techies (or geeks)? Check out The Valley of the Geeks, a nice site from one of the fathers of Delphi, Zack Urlocker.
February 26th: Marco will teach a full-day tutorial on XML with Delphi on May 23rd 2002 in Anaheim, California, just after the Borland US conference. Attend both events with a single trip! And learn everything about XML in one information packed day. More information.
February 20th: Borland has released the second update of Delphi 6. If you do anything with SOAP/WSDL this is a must update, but you should get it anyway. Notice that the help has been updated as well, with the brand new release of an Open Tools API help.
February 8th: The Swiss Delphi Center is running an "open" interview with me. You can add your own questions for inclusion in the interview, and I'll answer to those selected by the moderator. The link is
February 8th 2002: The details of Marco's public seminars in Italy have been defined. The two-days Delphi seminar will take place in Italy on May 2 and 3 May 2002, covering XML and Delphi OOP techniques (one day each). The same XML tutorial will be given in the US after the Borland Conference, as in past years. Details to be announced soon. I might also give a Delphi/OOP class in France at the end of march. Again, email marcome for early details.
February 7th 2002: Mike Orriss will give a technical presentation of Developer Express components on March 8 in Piacenza, Italy. Coverage will include also the not-jet-released web components. Although the seminar is part of a series for Italian Delphi programmers, there is nothing preventing others to participate, as the class will be in English. See my Italian site for more details (or reach from BabelFish on Altavista for a translation).
February 6th 2002: The Serbian edition of Mastering Delphi 6 has been released, following the Brazilian one (with an italian edition to come out soon). See the translations page for more details. If you know of other editions please le me know.
January 31: Marco is organizing a Details will be announced soon, if interested send an email ASAP.
January 3: I've uploaded the Chinese Edition of Essential Pascal.
January 2, 2002: A new year present: The brand new CanTools Wizards for Delphi 6 is now freely downloadable from my site. It is a collection with some of the wizards mentioned in my Mastering Delphi book (List Template, OOP Form Wizard, and VCL Hierarchy), but also a Rebuild Wizard and a Clip History Viewer). It is a work in progress, but I'll soon open it up to contributions and probably open-source it. Feedback is welcomed on my newsgroup, please.
January 2, 2002: The new Euro currency is here! This caused quite some work (in Italy we have a 2,000 exchange rate, with the need of reintroducing decimal values in each program handling currency) but is also very exciting: we are really witnessing a historic event, the largest change in a currency ever, with over 300 million people switching to new coins and bills!